2016 ~ 2017 School Year – May Newsletter

Highlights of BCS

  • BCS Summer Programs
    • May 14 – August 3: Summer Chinese for Heritage Students (instruction in Chinese)
      • 暑期一级班:每周二,四 3:30-5:00pm。上课日期为:5/16,5/18,5/23,5/25,5/30;6/1,6/6,6/8,6/13,6/15,6/20,6/22,6/27,6/29;7/4(TBD)7/6,7/11,7/13,7/18,7/20,7/25,7/27;8/1,8/3。联系老师:Betty Fan [email protected]
      • 暑期二级班:每周三3:30-5:30pm,每周日9:30-11:30am。上课日期为:5/14,5/21,5/28,5/31;6/4,6/7,6/11,6/14,6/18,6/21,6/25,6/28;7/2,7/5,7/9,7/12。联系老师:Lili [email protected]
      • 暑期三级班:每周一,四3-5pm。上课日期为:6/1,6/5,6/8,6/12,6/15,6/19,6/22,6/26,6/29,7/3,7/10,7/13,7/17,7/20,7/24,7/27。联系老师:Mengyou Tang [email protected]
  • June 4 – August 6:  Traditional Chinese Stories (instruction in Chinese) Sundays 4-5pm;  $100 Yanan Jiao and Betty Fan will lead students in exploring the origins of 5 major Chinese holidays and learning about the historical background of special Chinese idioms. 中国传统故事课教学目的是让孩子们(5-10岁) 通过传统故事了解中华传统文化。本期课程一共十次课,每周一次,每次课一个小时。十次课的故事主题各不同,分别为五次节庆故事(端午节,清明节,孔子诞辰,重阳节,和腊八节),加上五次成语故事(每次介绍几个成语)。课程会结合传统节庆的由来,传说,习俗,古代诗句和现实意义,什么是成语?成语的由来,故事,说明的道理等等,通过看影片,学习汉字,学习儿歌,传统手工及绘画,小游戏等各种丰富的形式让小朋友感同身受,充分体验中国传统文化的魅力!这是母语班学生在暑假复习中文及学习传统文化的好机会,强烈推荐小朋友们尽量参加!课程收费标准如下:本期十次课共$100。每次课主题都是独立的,如小朋友们因故缺课,缺课部分的学费可以credit到秋季中文课学费中。课程时间安排如下:6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6 每周日4-5点。除已报名的小朋友外,请有兴趣的家长尽快联系亚男老师报名: [email protected](学生姓名年龄及联系方式),方便老师们提前准备课件。希望在6月4号的第一次课能见到更多小朋友!
  • June 6 – July 20:  Fun English Reading and Writing with Sue(https://goo.gl/FcKBpM) Tue + Thu 3-4pm (no classes on July 4 and July 6); $60+ $20 registration. Ms. Sue Saffle, retired Senior Instructor of English at Virginia Tech, will be teaching a six-week class in elementary-level reading and writing in English  for K-5 students.  During each class session, thirty minutes will be devoted to basic reading skills followed by thirty minutes in speaking and writing skills. Ms. Saffle will employ methods to make the experience fun as well as informative and educational for her students.
  • June 12-15:  Chinese Cultural and Language Camp  (https://goo.gl/i4aKme) M-Th 9am-noon; Cost $60+$20 registration. Ms. I-Ping Fu, Radford University Chinese Profesor will lead a 4-half-day camp teaching Chinese language and culture through various hand-on activities such as arts and craft and making food. Campers will have a chance to share what they learn with parents on the last day of the camp on June 15 from noon-1pm.
  • Summer Chinese YoYo classes start in June 9.
  • Summer Dance Classes for Mid-Autumn Festival (TBD in June)
  • Summer Chinese Conversation Group (TBD in June)
  • Summer English Conversation Group (TBD in June) 
  • Introduction of Principal Candidate Ms. Jingjing Huang – Ms. Jingjiang Huang has a M.A. in Teaching Chinese As a Foreign Language from the East China Normal University in Shanghai and a M.A. in Chinese Linguistics from the University of Arizona. She has been teaching Chinese Language and culture to learners at all ages in various settings for over 15 years. BCSwelcomes Ms. Huang to join us and further strengthen our non-heritage programs!

CAN YOU HELP? – BCS still needs more gently used chairs for new classroom, gently used vacuum cleaner, or Chinese story books for BCS library. If you have any of these and would like to donate to us, please contact [email protected]. Thank you so much for your support!