Category: News Letters

  • 2017 ~ 2018 School Year – October Newsletter

    We have been through half of Fall semester.  Classes, including both heritage and non-heritage Chinese language classes, and various cultural programs, are going well in general.  We  thank parents very much for watching the door at 700 N. Main on Sunday afternoons!  Due to the high volume of cars parked…

  • 2017 ~ 2018 School Year – Newsletter

    Congratulations on the wonderful performances by BCS Flowers Dance team and Yoyo group at VT-ACSS  celebration for Autumn Moon Festival on October 14th!  Congratulations on the wonderful performance by BCS Yoyo group at the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival celebration hosted by RU Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures on October 21st!…

  • 2017 ~ 2018 School Year – December Newsletter

    Thank you very much for donating on #GivingTuesday!  Your donation is helpful as we are moving from 700 N. Main St to 104 Landsdowne St.(across S. Main St. from IMAX.)  You may still donate to BCS either for the  moving process or other causes.  As it gets close to the…

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – April Newsletter

    Highlights of BCS Chinese Language Classes Chinese Cultural Classes Calendar ♥ Language Classes 04/01 Sat: Happy Chinese K @10:00am; Chinese Play Group @11:45am 04/02 Sun:H1/H2/H3/H4/H6 @1:30pm 04/06 Thur: Happy Chinese @ Kipps @3:45pm 04/08 Sat: Happy Chinese K @10:00am; Chinese Play Group @11:45am 04/09 Sun:H1/H2/H3/H4/H6 @1:30pm 04/13 Thur: Happy Chinese…

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – May Newsletter

    Highlights of BCS CAN YOU HELP? – BCS still needs more gently used chairs for new classroom, gently used vacuum cleaner, or Chinese story books for BCS library. If you have any of these and would like to donate to us, please contact [email protected]. Thank you so much for your…

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – October Newsletter

    Highlights of School Events Introducing New Classes…… Current Classes are still OPEN for enrollment…… CLICK “Register NOW” for more class information!!! 

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – November Newsletter

    Highlights of School Events Chinese Language Classes Chinese Cultural Classes Calendar ♥ Language Classes 11/03 Thur: Happy Chinese @ Kipps #11 @4:00pm 11/05 Sat: Happy Chinese K @10:30am 11/16 Sun: H1/H2/H4 #12 @1:30pm;  H3/H6 #12 @3:15pm 11/10 Thur: Happy Chinese @ Kipps #12 @4:00pm 11/12 Sat: NO Happy Chinese K…

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – December Newsletter

    Join Us Tonight at 2016 Blacksburg Holiday Town Parade 1. Please arrive between 6:30pm to 7:00pm.  You MUST enter from West Campus Drive. You can park at the parking garage between Prices Fork and Perry Street, and walk to the line up area. Look for the BCS “Lantern” theme float.…

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – January Newsletter

    Highlights of BCS Chinese Language Classes Chinese Cultural Classes Still enrolling….. The class will start from January 2016. Contact Mrs. I-Mo at [email protected] if you are interested in this class.

  • 2016 ~ 2017 School Year – February Newsletter

    HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! 新春佳节,黑堡中文学校恭祝您身体健康!合家欢乐!鸡年大吉! You are cordially invited to attendBlacksburg Chinese School 2017 Lantern Festival Party Chinese Language Classes Chinese Cultural Classes School Calendar ♥ Language Classes 02/02 Thur: Happy Chinese-Kipps #3 @3:45pm 02/04 Sat: Happy Chinese-Sat #2 @10:00am; Chinese Play Group #2 @11:45am 02/05 Sun: H1/H2/H3/H4/H6 #20…